There is no syntax ...

Eat Your Greens


Language tour

This section will introduce all the elements of an Eyg program.



integers are whole numbers that can be positive or negative. the funcations available in std.integer include add subtract and many more operations on integers

Integers are created by pressing n (for number).



strings contain text values, including whitespace. the funcations available in std.string include uppercase, append and many more operations.

Strings are created by pressing s (for number).


All functions are anonymous. Functions are first class an can be returned by other functions. There is no support for multi-argument functions, to accept multiple arguments a function must return a function, and is therefore automatically curried


Let bindings

A value can be given a name using let. Names can be reused by later let bindings, but the values contained are immutable, meaning the values themselves cannot be changed.



Records are used to store multiple values with a name. Typing is structural and so there is no need to define types a head of time. Because typing is structural any record with the fields required by a function can be passed to that function



Unions are tagged unions, they are extensible. Case statements are first class i.e. it is possible to compose them.


matches can be open


matches can be composed
